
in Seconds,

Not Days

Harnessing the power of AI so you can spend more time with students, less time writing reports.
TRUSTED BY Teachers at




People outside of special education don't realize what a beast it is to schedule IEP meetings and how long it takes to do special education clerical work. If you can free up time to focus on the kids than focusing on paperwork, it makes a huge difference. It took us weeks to build excel and data tracking tools just to do our job. Playground solves that problem instantly.
Diana W.
Director of Special Education
"Playground IEP has been the best thing that has happened to the special education department. It makes communicating information throughout the school way easier and allows us to service the kids in a more effective way.”
Shannon M.
Case Manager
Our special education team is truly grateful for the impact Playground IEP has had on our daily operations. This platform has revolutionized how we collaborate and share information, enhancing our ability to provide top-notch education for every student.
Sarah D.
Middle School Vice Principal at Logan Middle School
"Where has Playground been my whole life?"
Morgan T.
10th Grade Math Teacher
“If I didn’t have Playground, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Playground kept us organized and compliant. I’m scared to think about what life would be life without it."
Tiffany S.
Case Manager
PlaygroundIEP has revolutionized the way I create and manage individualized education programs. The user-friendly interface and comprehensive features have made the process seamless.
Michael W.
Assistant Principal at Hyde Park Middle School
“It’s heaven. It’s beautiful.”
Lance P.
5th Grade Teacher
“Playground IEP is something that every charter school should consider adopting if they are serious about improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their special education services (and the cost is very reasonable).”
Sam F.
Founder & Superintendent, Legal Prep Charter Academies

All the



Spend more time implementing IEPs than writing them.
IEP Goal Writer
Craft precise and achievable IEP goals in seconds. Each goal includes quarterly benchmarks properly scaffolded to ensure student success.
MTSS Interventions
Elevate student outcomes with MTSS interventions informed by AI, ensuring each tier is optimized for individual growth.
Behavior Intervention Plans
Turn challenging behaviors into opportunities for growth with BIPs that are thorough, comprehensive, and actionable.
IEP Goal writer
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We've Got Answers!

What is IEP CoPilot?
IEP CoPilot is an IEP writing tool that uses the power of AI to write comprehensive portions of the IEPs in seconds. IEP CoPilot is a free tool created by Playground IEP to help teachers write comprehensive IEPs in a fraction of the time. We believe teachers should spend more time with their students than with paperwork.
Is IEP CoPilot free?
Yes! IEP CoPilot is a completely free tool! It's so free that you don't even need to log in to begin to use it.
Is IEP CoPilot FERPA compliant?
Yes, IEP CoPilot meets FERPA guidelines. Student privacy is a major focus of ours. We do not collect any student personal identifiable information. For an added layer of privacy we allow users to the ability to generate goals without even logging in to remain anonymous. For the IEP feedback tool, we ask that users remove the names of students or staff that may be present before receiving feedback.
Does IEP CoPilot write standards based IEP Goals?
Yes the IEP CoPilot Goal Writer has the ability to write standards based IEP goals. When creating a new goal, simply paste the content standard into the "focus area" text box and the AI will incorporate the standard into the goal.
Still have questions?
Our support team can help you out.
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